- spit chips
- быть крайне раздраженным, раздосадованным, не в духе
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
spit chips — ► spit blood (or Austral. chips) feel or express vehement anger. Main Entry: ↑spit … English terms dictionary
Spit chips — be very annoyed … Dictionary of Australian slang
spit chips — Australian Slang be very annoyed … English dialects glossary
spit — Ⅰ. spit [1] ► VERB (spitting; past and past part. spat or spit) 1) eject saliva forcibly from one s mouth. 2) forcibly eject (food or liquid) from one s mouth. 3) say in a hostile way. 4) (o … English terms dictionary
spit — I. /spɪt / (say spit) verb (spat or spit, spitting) –verb (i) 1. to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate. 2. to do this at or on a person, etc., to express hatred, contempt, etc. 3. to sputter. 4. to fall in scattered drops or flakes, as rain …
spit — 1. v. & n. v. (spitting; past and past part. spat or spit) 1 intr. a eject saliva from the mouth. b do this as a sign of hatred or contempt (spat at him). 2 tr. (usu. foll. by out) a eject (saliva, blood, food, etc.) from the mouth (spat the meat … Useful english dictionary
spit blood (or Austral. chips) — feel or express vehement anger. → spit … English new terms dictionary
spit blood — ► spit blood (or Austral. chips) feel or express vehement anger. Main Entry: ↑spit … English terms dictionary
spit — spit1 [ spıt ] (past tense and past participle spit or spat [ spæt ] ) verb * 1. ) intransitive to force some of the clear liquid called saliva out from your mouth: Dino leaned over and spat on the ground. The woman spat and shouted insults as… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
spit — I UK [spɪt] / US verb Word forms spit : present tense I/you/we/they spit he/she/it spits present participle spitting past tense spat UK [spæt] / US past participle spat * 1) a) [intransitive] to force some of the clear liquid called saliva out… … English dictionary
spit — spit1 verb (spits, spitting; past and past participle spat or spit) 1》 eject saliva forcibly from one s mouth. ↘forcibly eject (food or liquid) from one s mouth. ↘(spit up) N. Amer. (especially of a baby) vomit. 2》 utter in a hostile way … English new terms dictionary